Horta Virtual
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Exibindo 1–30 de 51 resultadosSorted by popularity
Leite de Vaca (congelado) 1L
R$ 10,00 -
Alface Americana
R$ 5,50 -
R$ 5,25 – R$ 10,50 Selecione This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
R$ 2,55 – R$ 8,50 Selecione This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Abóbora Italiana
R$ 2,55 – R$ 8,50 Selecione This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Inhame 500g
R$ 7,00 -
Alho Poró
R$ 5,50 -
R$ 2,55 – R$ 8,50 Selecione This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Tomate 500g
R$ 6,50 -
Mandioca Branca 500g
R$ 6,50 -
Banana Prata Kg
R$ 3,60 – R$ 12,00 Selecione This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Batata Doce Casca Roxa 500g
R$ 6,50 -
Abóbora Comum
R$ 2,55 – R$ 8,50 Selecione This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Alfavaca fresca
R$ 4,00 -
Canudinho de Doce de Leite
R$ 15,00 -
Queijo Minas 400g
R$ 22,00 -
Ovos Caipira dúzia
R$ 17,00 -
Cenoura 500g
R$ 6,50 -
Beterraba 500g
R$ 6,00 -
R$ 5,00 -
Chuchu 500g
R$ 3,50 -
Cebola Branca 500g
R$ 7,50 -
Alface crespa
R$ 4,00 -
Abóbora Japonesa (moranga) kg
R$ 2,55 – R$ 8,50 Selecione This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
R$ 3,50 -
R$ 6,50 -
R$ 7,00 -
Repolho Verde
R$ 7,50 – R$ 15,00 Selecione This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
R$ 8,00 -
R$ 4,00